Vocabulary Word
Word: rebuttal
Definition: refutation; response with contrary evidence; V. rebut: refute; disprove
Definition: refutation; response with contrary evidence; V. rebut: refute; disprove
Sentences Containing 'rebuttal'
Wiseman defended his hypothesis and published a rebuttal to the criticisms.
Mihail Sebastian, who read a version of this rebuttal during one of his visits to Aderca's home, elaborated on this in his diary, contrasting such reactions with his own "indifference" to criticism: "reply is very nice, very accurate—but how did he find the strength, the inclination, the curiosity to write it?
Aderca's own rebuttal in the 1945 article "Rondul de noapte" was the topic of scandal, and, according to Călinescu's disciple Alexandru Piru, constituted a "curious" and "violent outburst".
Oberg was commissioned by NASA to write a rebuttal of Apollo Moon landing conspiracy theories.
Anatoli Boukreev, a guide for Fischer's expedition whose actions were criticized somewhat by Krakauer, co-authored a rebuttal book called "The Climb."
The PTRC posted an extensive rebuttal of the Petro-Find report, stating that the isotopic signatures of the CO2, claimed by Mr. Lafleur to be indicative of the manmade CO2 being injected into the reservoir, were in fact, according to studies of CO2 conducted by the British Geological Survey and two other European Union geological groups prior to CO2 being injected at Weyburn, occurring naturally in several locations near the Kerr farm.
This rebuttal was deemed false by Mobigame's lawyers, who said they are gathering evidence to demonstrate that communications Edge Games claims, in its rebuttal, to have made did not actually occur.
Structurally, the work is a carefully worked out reply to the general principles of Puritanism as found in The "Admonition" and Cartwright's follow-up writings, more specifically:
"Of the Lawes" is far more than a negative rebuttal of the puritan claims: it is (here McAdoo quotes John S. Marshall) 'a continuous and coherent whole presenting a philosophy and theology congenial to the Anglican "Book of Common Prayer" and the traditional aspects of the Elizabethan Settlement ...
Part of their success is based on their rebuttal on YouTube to the piece on Millennials by 60 Minutes on CBS titled Twixters vs 60 Minutes Millennials, and Millennials Fight Back!.
Frances Butler Leigh defended her father's actions as a slaveholder in her book, "Ten Years on a Georgian Plantation since the War" (1883), intended as a rebuttal to her mother's critique of slavery twenty years before.
IMF insisted that it would not air the clip without allowing a rebuttal, which wasn't possible during the event.