Vocabulary Word
Word: excise
Definition: cut away; cut out; N: government tax on good produced and used inside a country; N. excision
Definition: cut away; cut out; N: government tax on good produced and used inside a country; N. excision
Sentences Containing 'excise'
He had scarcely been a week at Leghorn before the hold of his vessel was filled with printed muslins, contraband cottons, English powder, and tobacco on which the excise had forgotten to put its mark.
There they had a bit of a skirmish in getting rid of the duties; the excise was, in truth, the everlasting enemy of the patron of The Young Amelia.
It still continues, however, to be the residence of the principal courts of justice in Scotland, of the boards of customs and excise, etc.
To allow the merchant to draw back upon exportation, either the whole, or a part of whatever excise or inland duty is imposed upon domestic industry, can never occasion the exportation of a greater quantity of goods than what would have been exported had no duty been imposed.
The revenue of excise would, in this case indeed, suffer a little, and that of the customs a good deal more; but the natural balance of industry, the natural division and distribution of labour, which is always more or less disturbed by such duties, would be more nearly re-established by such a regulation.
The drawback, therefore, may frequently be pure loss to the revenue of excise and customs, without altering the state of the trade, or rendering it in any respect more extensive.
The excise duty upon Scotch salt is at present 1s:6d., that upon foreign salt 10s.
They have obtained likewise the drawback of two-thirds of the excise duties imposed upon their commodity, even when exported without further manufacture.
All manufactures of leather may be exported duty free; and the exporter is besides entitled to the drawback of the whole duties of excise.
But the revenue which the crown derives from the duties or custom and excise, would necessarily increase with the revenue and consumption of the people.
The former are considered as a branch of the aids of excise, and, in the provinces where those duties take place, are levied by the excise officers.
The coach-tax and plate tax are examples of the former method of imposing; the greater part of the other duties of excise and customs, of the latter.
In point of perspicuity, precision, and distinctness, therefore, the duties of customs are much inferior to those of excise.
The revenue which is levied by the duties of excise is supposed to fall as equally upon the contributors as that which is levied by the duties of customs; and the duties of excise are imposed upon a few articles only of the most general used and consumption.
By introducing into the customs a system of administration as similar to that of the excise as the nature of the different duties will admit, the difficulty of smuggling might be very much increased.
What are called the excise duties upon rum imported, are at present levied in this manner; and the same system of administration might, perhaps, be extended to all duties upon goods imported; provided always that those duties were, like the duties of excise, confined to a few sorts of goods of the most general use and consumption.
If to this saving, which would alone be very considerable, were added the abolition of all bounties upon the exportation of home produce; in all cases in which those bounties were not in reality drawbacks of some duties of excise which had before been advanced; it cannot well be doubted, but that the neat revenue of customs might, after an alteration of this kind, be fully equal to what it had ever been before.
The excise upon the materials and manufacture of home-made fermented and spirituous liquors, is, accordingly, of all the different taxes upon expense, by far the most productive; and this branch of the excise falls very much, perhaps principally, upon the expense of the common people.
In the year which ended on the 5th of July 1775, the gross produce of this branch of the excise amounted to
Seven shillings and sixpence are equal to the excise upon ten bushels of malt; a quantity fully equal to what all the different members of any sober family, men, women, and children, are, at an average, likely to consume.
When such duties are imposed, not according to the bulk or weight, but according to the supposed value of the goods, they become properly a sort of inland customs or excise, which obstruct very much the most important of all branches of commerce, the interior commerce of the country.
In the year which ended on the 5th of July, 1775, the gross produce of the different duties, under the management of the commissioners of excise in England, amounted to
The officers of excise receive few or no perquisites; and the administration of that branch of the revenue being of more recent establishment, is in general less corrupted than that of the customs, into which length of time has introduced and authorised many abuses.
By confining the duties of customs to a few sorts of goods, and by levying those duties according to the excise laws, a much greater saving might probably be made in the annual expense of the customs.
The laws of excise, though more effectual for the purpose for which they were instituted, are, in this respect, more vexatious than those of the customs.
The dealers have no respite from the continual visits and examination of the excise officers.
The duties of excise are, upon this account, more unpopular than those of the customs; and so are the officers who levy them.
The aides, which correspond to the excise in England, are very different in different provinces.
If, for the sake of equality, it was thought necessary to lay a tax upon this liquor, it might be taxed by taxing the material of which it is made, either at the place of manufacture, or, if the circumstances of the trade rendered such an excise improper, by laying a duty upon its importation into the colony in which it was to be consumed.
In a poor country, the consumption of the principal commodities subject to the duties of customs and excise, is very small; and in a thinly inhabited country, the opportunities of smuggling are very great.
In these particular branches of the excise, there is not, I apprehend, much more smuggling in the one country than in the other.
In consequence of those two apparently very simple and easy alterations, the duties of customs and excise might probably produce a revenue as great, in proportion to the consumption of the most thinly inhabited province, as they do at present, in proportion to that of the most populous.
I don't know whether the Excise returns of the period may have exhibited any increase in the demand for pepper; but if our performances did not affect the market, I should say several families must have left off using it.
In 1971, Kelman helped circulate a petition calling on faculty members at Harvard to refuse to pay their federal telephone excise tax in protest against the U.S. war against Vietnam.
Stamp Duty, excise, taxes, perquisites, socage and protection money payable by Jews show that fiscal ingenuity already had a long tradition.
For example, the current federal excise tax is 18.4 cents per gallon of gasoline.
All motorists in the UK are required to prominently display a vehicle excise licence (tax disc) on their vehicle when it is kept or driven on public roads.
He joined the Commissioner’s office at Dhaka as a clerk in 1840, was promoted as Deputy Collector in 1845 and as Excise Collector in 1851.
There is no VAT in Costa Rica, but the there is a generally applied sales tax of 13% that, combined with excise taxes on specific consumption goods raises around half of government revenue.
However, revenue raised through excise levies and through an Assessment Tax on land were unpopular as they affected everyone who owned property.
The tax is levied on both the gasoline and on the federal and state excise taxes, resulting in a form of "double taxation".
No changes were made to alcohol duty rates but a rise of 2% above the rate of inflation in excise duties for wine and beer did go ahead as planned.
His own son became commissioner of excise and because of the job, was known as Abkari Ranga Reddy.
Cassidy's first controversy arose when he was elected alderman of Long Island City, Queens while simultaneously holding the appointed office of excise commissioner.
This junction was named after a local pub in Bulverhythe called "The Bo Peep,"
which in turn came from the activities of smugglers and excise men.
Shortly after the introduction of the 'Excise Act of 1823' (or 'Walsh Act') the first of these illicit stills came into official existence, with Glengoyne following later in 1833.
Haase and Bennett were arrested in 1992 following a long investigation by the British Customs and Excise organisation which was subsequently described in a book by one of the investigating officers.
It allowed rum brought from the colonies to be stored on shore before the excise duty was paid.
Previously, it was required to pay the excise duties on the entire shipment before it could be landed and sold.
Duties would then be collected by the excise officers on the cargo as it was sold from the warehouses; if any remained unsold after six months from landing, the remaining duty was payable on it as a lump sum on that date.