Vocabulary Word
Word: equinox
Definition: period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal equinox; ADJ. equinoctial
Definition: period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal equinox; ADJ. equinoctial
Sentences Containing 'equinox'
Every fourth year, at the vernal equinox, there is a representative council of the whole nation, which meets in a plain about twenty miles from our house, and continues about five or six days.
and but six months before he wheeled out of a former equinox at Aries!
Newgrange and Dowth have Winter solstice solar alignments, while it is claimed Knowth has an Equinox solar alignment.
As it is required as a base for the definition of true anomaly, it is usually arbitrarily assumed (as a line pointing into the direction of the vernal equinox).
For example, mounds A, D, and E, which form the central axis of the site, align with the sun at the spring equinox.
In 1958, his novel "Higanbana" ("Equinox Flower") was made into a movie by Yasujirō Ozu, starring Kinuyo Tanaka.
Soon after their debut, Team Colony immediately became "technicos" on the undercard and often teamed with fellow masked wrestler Equinox in trios matches.
Beginning in 2008, Fire Ant once again began competing semi-regularly as a singles wrestler and began a heated feud with former ally Equinox, who had since unmasked himself and began competing under his real name (Vin Gerard).
Also, the above numbers are average numbers: owing to the ellipticity of the Earth's orbit, where the South pole receives a week more of sun-below-horizon than the North pole (see equinox).
Easter's date corresponds roughly with Passover, the Jewish observance associated with the Exodus, that is fixed for the night of the Full moon near the time of the spring equinox.
Rick Sternbach designed similar craft into the USS Voyager and the USS "Equinox", known as the aeroshuttle and the waverider, respectively.
He also occasionally narrated television documentaries, such as the "Equinox" episode "Unravelling the Universe", first broadcast in December 1991.
In the UK, Warner Home Video distributes most of the DVD releases of Icon Entertainment International, and also distributes Icon releases in Australia as well as Seville Pictures and Equinox Films releases in Canada.
The Great Houses of Pueblo Bonito and Chetro Ketl were found by the "Solstice Project" and the U.S. National Geodetic Survey to be sited along a precisely east-west line, an axis that captures the passage of the equinox sun.
The lines perpendicularly bisecting their principal walls are aligned north-south, implying a possible intent to mirror the equinox midday.
These Jewish calendars, according to their Christian critics, sometimes placed Nisan 14, the paschal full moon and the day of preparation for the Jewish Passover, before the spring equinox (see Easter).
The Christians who began the experiments with independent computations held that the paschal full moon should never precede the equinox.
The Dragon Festival is a Spanish free festival which ran from 1997 to 2009, held at Los Cigarrones on the riverbed of the Rio Guadalfeo, 2 km to the south of Órgiva, and from 2010 at Santa Fé, Granada, Spain, during the month of March, and culminating on the weekend nearest the March equinox.
Two days before the 2009 Spring Equinox a prohibition order was posted proclaiming a ban on the Dragon Festival on grounds of health and safety and that anyone found organizing the event would be charged and if convicted, receive hefty fines.