Vocabulary Word
Word: compress
Definition: force into less space; squeeze; contract; put into fewer words; N: thick mass of cloth pressed to part of the body to stop bleeding or swelling, reduce fever, etc.
Definition: force into less space; squeeze; contract; put into fewer words; N: thick mass of cloth pressed to part of the body to stop bleeding or swelling, reduce fever, etc.
Sentences Containing 'compress'
We compress the earth into bricks, so as to remove them without revealing what they are.
Intermix, Tchoutcha, Inter Spoity (Apatou), Multi System and Compress 220v (Saint Laurent), who toured in Europe in 1999, are the main representatives of this style.
In five traumatic cases, the vertebral column was often but not invariably fractured and could compress the cord. He recorded one instance in a 33-year-old woman of a thoracic disk prolapse compressing the cord, without evident trauma.
It employs the "Miller cycle" which uses a supercharger to increase compression efficiency by decreasing the compression losses (i.e., flywheel energy used to compress the intake charge in the cylinder); and thereby increasing the net power output of the V6.
In traditional ICF, more energy is added through the lasers that compress the target, energy that leaks away through a variety of processes.
If bleeding continues then balloon tamponade with a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube or Minnesota tube may be used in an attempt to mechanically compress the varicies.
Typical preparations include a warm compress or tea.
RLE also refers to a little-used image format in Windows 3.x, with the extension rle, which is a Run Length Encoded Bitmap, used to compress the Windows 3.x startup screen.
Even with the runs extracted, the frequencies of different characters may be large, allowing for further compression; however, if the run lengths are written in the file in the locations where the runs occurred, the presence of these numbers interrupts the normal flow and makes it harder to compress.
Some scanners compress and clean up the image using embedded firmware.
Because digital signature algorithms cannot sign a large amount of data efficiently, most implementations use a hash function to reduce ("compress") the amount of data that needs to be signed down to a constant size.
MAFOR, an abbreviation of MArine FORecast, is a North American code used in the transmission of marine weather forecasts to compress a volume of meteorological and marine information into shorter code for convenience during radio broadcasting.
Pumping the working fluid in liquid form during the cycle requires a small fraction of the energy to transport it compared to the energy needed to compress the working fluid in gaseous form in a compressor (as in the Carnot cycle).
Most codecs that compress information could be claimed by patent holders.
The Laredo brand tobacco and a filter were inserted into the device, and then a lever was pulled to compress the tobacco. Another lever slid the plug of tobacco and the filter into an empty cigarette paper tube to form a homemade cigarette.