Vocabulary Word
Word: abominate
Definition: loathe; hate
Definition: loathe; hate
Sentences Containing 'abominate'
Much as I abominate writing, I would not give up Mr. Collins's correspondence for any consideration.
In the taking of legal oaths, for instance, deponents seem to enjoy themselves mightily when they come to several good words in succession, for the expression of one idea; as, that they utterly detest, abominate, and abjure, or so forth; and the old anathemas were made relishing on the same principle.
He professed both to abominate and despise all mystery, refinement, and intrigue, either in a prince or a minister.
For my part, I abominate all honourable respectable toils, trials, and tribulations of every kind whatsoever.
The Platonists regarded this as a sign of their peculiar propriety; and Plutarch notes it when writing that the Pythagoreans "utterly abominate" 17, which "bars them off from each other and disjoins them".