Think $40 per month is too much for a proofreading service?
So do we. Sign up or login to access premium features for as low as $7.95/mo (with annual payment).
So do we. Sign up or login to access premium features for as low as $7.95/mo (with annual payment).
The premium service includes the following features:
If these reasons aren't enough, then we welcome you to use our popular free grammar checker and plagiarism checker.
- Accept Longer Documents - up to 20 pages (300 words/page) per submission (unlimited submissions)
- Enhanced Plagiarism Detection - improved accuracy AND ability to view matching text
- Faster Processing - premium members are "first in line" and more computing power is given to their submissions
- Premium-Only Modules - readability indices just released and new modules coming soon
- File Upload - ability to upload .doc, .docx, .txt, .odt, .rtf, or .pdf documents
- No Ads - no distracting banner ads
- Compare free and premium