Vocabulary Word
Word: intractable
Definition: unruly; difficult to manage; Ex. intractable problem/child
Definition: unruly; difficult to manage; Ex. intractable problem/child
Sentences Containing 'intractable'
He was, too, very learned, and rational enough on all points which did not relate to his treasure; but on that, indeed, he was intractable.''
They did not consider that the value of those metals has, in all ages and nations, arisen chiefly from their scarcity, and that their scarcity has arisen from the very small quantities of them which nature has anywhere deposited in one place, from the hard and intractable substances with which she has almost everywhere surrounded those small quantities, and consequently from the labour and expense which are everywhere necessary in order to penetrate, and get at them.
The princes of the house of Stuart sometimes employed the like means in order to influence some of the members of the parliament of England, and they generally found them equally intractable.
There is nothing more intractable.--"My resolve is fixed!"--Why so madman say too; but the more firmly they believe in their delusions, the more they stand in need of treatment.
For either unto God or man, whatsoever it is that doth happen in the world hath in the ordinary course of nature its proper reference; neither is there anything, that in regard of nature is either new, or reluctant and intractable, but all things both usual and easy.
The obstinate and intractable qualities of matter, we are told, or the observance of general laws, or some such reason, is the sole cause, which controlled the power and benevolence of Jupiter, and obliged him to create mankind and every sensible creature so imperfect and so unhappy.
He has a sullen, rebellious spirit; a violent temper; and an untoward, intractable disposition.
This is his answer to such thinkers as Alasdair MacIntyre and Stanley Hauerwas who believe that participants in such debates do not share enough common ground to prevent their arguments from being intractable.
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or PENS, is used mainly in the treatment of intractable pain associated with chronic low back pain syndrome, cancer, and other disorders.
Its epidural use for pain during heart attack, postoperative and intractable pain has also been studied extensively.
Peptic ulcer disease may be intractable and complicated.
The monotheistic rigor of Judaism posed difficulties for Roman policy that led at times to compromise and the granting of special exemptions, but sometimes to intractable conflict.
In the wake of the Republic's collapse, state religion had adapted to support the new regime of the emperors.
During intractable civic quarrels, a podestà might be established, housed in a separate structure, the "Palazzo del Podestà", of which only the Loggia added by Braccio da Montone flanking the Cathedral of San Lorenzo e San Ercolano remains.
Carcetti's decision to reject the governor's bailout leaves him with intractable budget problems.
The attacks are said by those affected to feel like stabbing electric shocks, burning, pressing, crushing, exploding or shooting pain that becomes intractable.
As a metric for effectiveness, Scott Karp suggests, CE is the solution to the same intractable problems that have long been a struggle for old media: how to prove value.
An intractable legal problem had arisen in relation to cases where a child or vulnerable adult cared for by two people dies as a result of ill-treatment.