Vocabulary Word
Word: impetus
Definition: moving force; momentum; force of a moving body; incentive; stimulus; impulse
Definition: moving force; momentum; force of a moving body; incentive; stimulus; impulse
Sentences Containing 'impetus'
These balls, having each received less than the original energy, have less to transmit; each of these balls in turn meets with others, and hence the motion becomes more and more distributed, and distant balls receive less and less impetus.
And if the first attempt lands him nearly up at the top but not#quite#, he has to go back and take the long run all over again, to give him the impetus that shall carry him right through.
'Even this artistic impetus would at last die away--had almost died in the Time I saw.
All I would say is, that I can go abroad without your family coming forward to favour me,--in short, with a parting Shove of their cold shoulders; and that, upon the whole, I would rather leave England with such impetus as I possess, than derive any acceleration of it from that quarter.
At this moment Derick was in the act of pitching his lamp-feeder at the advancing boats, and also his oil-can; perhaps with the double view of retarding his rivals' way, and at the same time economically accelerating his own by the momentary impetus of the backward toss.
Over the past 25 years, a scientifically based catastrophism has gained wide acceptance with regard to certain events in the distant past. One impetus for this change came from the publication of a historic paper by Walter and Luis Alvarez in 1980.
To give a great impetus to the trade of Trieste in particular and to the over-sea trade of Austria in general, it was decided in 1901 to build the Karawanken Railway, connecting Trieste and Klagenfurt.
Her high profile in New York was the impetus for Miles Copeland III to invite her to England.
The impetus is provided not by gunpowder but by either a spring or jet of compressed air.
A large section of the labor movement looked to Populism for answers, forging a political coalition with farmers that gave impetus to the regulatory state.
By this time Stalin's support was the main impetus behind the ships and little time was wasted cancelling them after his death on 5 March 1953.
Calls for minimum taxation of the 'ultra-rich' have been given greater impetus after the high-profile revelation that Republican Party Presidential candidate Mitt Romney will pay a projected tax rate for 2011 of 15.4%.
However, this fact has given new impetus to the vine variety's second name, Müller-Thurgau.
The war provided an impetus not only for slaves to escape but also to revolt. On May 27, 1861 in Lewisburg a slave named Reuben was convicted of conspiring "to rebel and make insurrection in said county."
Guitarist Don Anderson points to the influence of neofolk music, particularly Death in June, as the impetus for using a strummed acoustic guitar in a darker musical context.
The impetus to incorporate lexical scoping, that was an unusual scoping model in the early 1970s, into their new version of Lisp, came from Sussman's studies of ALGOL.
Unicef and the UN Millennium Development Goals of reducing infant mortality and improving maternal care are the impetus for increasing focus on the Anganwadis.
This compositional impetus is reflected in numerous titles of his works, yet his oeuvre lacks any programmatic design.
Impetus for the plan comes from Hillsborough County's being ranked highest in Florida for bicycle fatalities.
This development gave an impetus to Sindhi literature by laying down the foundation for formal publication of Sindhi writing.
Its constituency is associated with the cultural legacy of the late John Peel.The organisation initially acquired its name and impetus through promotion of a fundraising (World International) 'John Peel Day,' in 2006.
Rio was the brand name of a line of digital audio players, best known for producing the "Diamond Rio" model that was the impetus for a lawsuit in 1998 by the Recording Industry Association of America.
In the 1880s, Britain's intervention in the hinterland received added impetus because of the "Scramble for Africa": an intense competition between the European powers for territory in Africa.
The impetus for the break of the deadlock was a falling out between Napoleone Orsini and Pietro Colonna, after which the latter threw his support behind the Gascons.
The 14th-century philosophers Jean Buridan and Albert of Saxony later refer to Abu'l-Barakat in explaining that the acceleration of a falling body is a result of its increasing impetus.
The impetus for the formation of the society was a proposal in the 1980s to demolish the historic station building at Carterton station and replace it with a more modern structure.
Rural electrification led to the large-scale use of pumpsets for irrigational purposes and agriculture-received impetus.
Federal liberal politicians stated that the ambiguous wording of the 1995 referendum question was the primary impetus in the bill's drafting.
Furthermore, they conclude that these experiences often provide the impetus for the creation of a dream.
The Second World War added impetus to the development of occupational therapy as the profession played a vital role in the rehabilitation and re-establishment of wounded soldiers into the workforce.
The program would be officially disbanded after an announcement by then university president Wendell Nedderman on November 26, 1985, citing financial loss as the primary impetus for its abandonment.
The more recent survivalist author James Wesley Rawles credits "Personal Survival Letter" and Tappan's books as the primary influences in the development of his survivalist philosophy as well as the impetus for launching SurvivalBlog.com.
Operation Deep Freeze I.
The impetus behind Operation Deep Freeze I was the International Geophysical Year 1957–58.
One of its first products was the WiNRADiO PC card which provided the initial impetus for the development of the entire WiNRADiO range of PC-based radio receivers and accessories.
Impetus for this design came after Casillas stabbed one of two attempted rapists, using the thug's own knife after disarming him.
In 2010, Patrick Mulkern of "Radio Times" described "The Sontaran Experiment" as "short, taut and sadistic" and wrote that "impetus and panache prevail over problems with plot logic".
Such impetus may be imparted by a kick, pass, fumble, or in certain instances by batting the ball.
A touchback is the opposite of a safety with regard to impetus since a safety is scored when the "defending" team is responsible for the ball becoming dead on or behind its own goal line.
In October 2012 Teradata's Aster Data Systems division announced an appliance supporting Hortonworks' distribution,
and Impetus Technologies announced a partnership.
Another impetus to the rebirth of Puebla tile was that collectors found out about it.
In particular, increasing commerce, and the social changes it wrought, created new impetus for grammar writing.
The projects generate an understanding of the conservation status of the natural environment and of the socioeconomic needs of the population, enabling BfN to continue giving key impetus to the theory and practice of nature conservation.
It seems likely that the possible approaching end of the world was the impetus behind the production of the manuscript.
The derogation of her civil liberties that she experienced as an inmate provided the impetus for her activism as a member of the psychiatric survivor movement.
Constable Joseph Harris confirmed that the filming had been the impetus for their concern and investigation.
remains a constant theme and impetus in my life."
Another impetus to become a spacefaring species is planetary defense.
Some fans hailed it as "their best record since the early days of Firefall" and this gave the group a new touring impetus.
Attempts to either conquer or assimilate the Irish lordships into the Kingdom of Ireland provided the initial impetus for a series of Irish military campaigns between 1534 and 1603.
The additional impetus for Janko Matúška to embrace the trend in "Lightning over the Tatras" was that he actually designed it to replace the lyrics of an existing folk song.