Vocabulary Word
Word: emissary
Definition: agent (sent on a mission to represent another); messenger
Definition: agent (sent on a mission to represent another); messenger
Sentences Containing 'emissary'
said that good natured emissary, after a full half hour of bootless attempts to bring him round to the question.
Brunehilde and Fredegonde were the results of the painful struggle of civilization in its infancy, when man was learning to control mind, were it even by an emissary from the realms of darkness.
``Providence still,''murmured he;``now only am I fully convinced of being the emissary of God!''
At last I ran away myself, whenever I saw an emissary of the police approaching with some new intelligence; and lived a stealthy life until he was tried and ordered to be transported.
In 1730, Sir Alexander Cuming— claiming to be an emissary of King George II— made an ambitious journey to Tanasi in which he managed to obtain the Tanasi Warrior's allegiance for England.
In 1765, Henry Timberlake, who had visited the Overhill towns as an emissary in 1761–1762, reported 12 dwellings and 21 warriors at Tanasi, and identified Old Hop as chief of both Chota and Tanasi.
The imprisonment by the Khmer ruler Jayavarman VIII of a Mongol emissary in 1281 would have been ample justification for Marco's remark on the inhumanity of its people: he said that Locach was "was such a savage place that few people ever go there", and that "the king himself does not want anyone to go there or to spy out his treasure or the state of his realm".
In 1859 West married Florence Randolph DuVal, daughter of Judge Thomas Howard DuVal and granddaughter of Florida Governor William Pope DuVal. They had three sons, all lawyers, including Judge DuVal West, Woodrow Wilson's personal emissary to Mexico.
Career in Texas.
In July 2003, he was made a UNDP Youth Emissary.
The Caliph assassinated a governor of Tekish by using an Ismaili emissary.
According to Polybius
Polybius later mentions Musaeus as an emissary sent by Antiochus III to Gnaeus Manlius Vulso (consul in 189 BC), to discuss a truce with the Romans.
He lived from 1889 until 1965, and played a major role for Iraq to achieve independence after World War I. He was the emissary of petitions, letters and messages from Iraqi political and religious figures to Sharif Hussein bin Ali and Faisal I to explain the desire and importance of Iraqis to achieve freedom and independence in 1919.
His son, Louis X of France sent a mission to disperse the Gascon cardinals and arranged for the cardinals to meet again in Lyon, through the emissary of his brother, Philip, Count of Poitiers (future Philip V of France), in March 1316.
The Ayyubids dispatched an emissary to Makuria to see if it was worth conquering, but he reported that the land was too poor.
Many years later, the Zionist emissary Yehuda Tager stated that while the main bombings were carried out by the Muslim Brotherhood, later smaller attacks were staged by Yosef Beit-Halahmi, on his own initiative, in an attempt to make it seem as if the activists on trial were not the perpetrators.
It has been argued, not without reason, Nietzsche's work greatly influenced Theodore Herzl, and Martin Buber went so far as to extol Nietzsche as a "creator" and "emissary of life".
The first favor is for him to find the murderer of the Summer Knight Ronald Reuel and recover his stolen mantle, declaring Dresden her chosen Emissary.
Dresden finds Elaine, his former fellow apprentice and lover, who is the Emissary of the Summer Court and heavily indebted to Aurora, the Summer Lady.
Serving as an emissary of Albanian Communist Party, he was sent several times abroad, keeping ties with other regional communist organizations, especially with the Yugoslavian Communist Party.
Soon, Shujinko encounters Damashi, who claims to be an emissary of the Elder Gods and tells Shujinko to embark on a quest searching for a Kamidogu from each of six realms.
In early May, Blumentritt acted as a first emissary to General Montgomery for the surrender of the German forces in the North-West.
After the war.
Li Maozhen initially sent an emissary to Li Cunxu's court, then temporarily at the former Later Liang capital Daliang, to congratulate him, but his letter to Li Cunxu did not show any signs of submission to Later Tang, and spoke in terms that considered himself an uncle.
In 2365, he renewed his relationship with K'Ehleyr when she came aboard the Enterprise as a Federation emissary on an urgent mission.