Vocabulary Word
Word: causal
Definition: implying a cause-and-effect relationship; N. causality
Definition: implying a cause-and-effect relationship; N. causality
Sentences Containing 'causal'
Synergy of various kinds has been advanced by Peter Corning as a causal agency that can explain the progressive evolution of complexity in living systems over the course of time.
Reduced glutamate function is linked to poor performance on tests requiring frontal lobe and hippocampal function, and glutamate can affect dopamine function, both of which have been implicated in schizophrenia, have suggested an important mediating (and possibly causal) role of glutamate pathways in the condition.
Primarily interested in cognitive psychology, he researches causal discounting, charitable giving, perceptual fluency, and people's perceptions of randomness.
Pro-life activists have continued to advance a causal abortion–breast cancer link, and in the United States they have sought legal action to present abortion as a cause of breast cancer when counseling women seeking abortion.
After Brind's study failed to convince the scientific community of a causal relationship, Brind co-founded the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute (BCPI) in 1999 with Angela Lanfranchi, a surgeon and pro-life advocate.
Weed and Kramer believed a causal conclusion was a "leap beyond the bounds of inference" and concluded:
Because bias impedes our vision "and" is subject to sound inquiry, we are far from reaching a scientific "limit".
They concluded that asserting a causal ABC link would be a disservice to the public and to epidemiological research when "bias has not been ruled out convincingly."
This is aptly suited for situations where precise instructions are given by an employer; it can clearly be seen that the employer is the causal link for any harm which follows.
His adherence to functionalism in the study of the social differs from that of Durkheim and his followers in his holding that knowledge and ideas must be presented as causal variables.
Mycosphaerella berkeleyi is a fungal plant pathogen. It is the causal agent of the peanut foliar disease Late Leaf Spot.
Importantly, although the FDA has approved updated black-box warning for tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, the recent report of the American Academy of Dermatology Association Task Force finds that there is no causal proof that topical immunomodulators cause lymphoma or nonmelanoma skin cancer, and systemic immunosuppression after short-term or intermittent long-term topical application seems an unlikely mechanism.
The AAAAI states "None of the information provided for the cases of lymphoma associated with the use of topical pimecrolimus or tacrolimus in AD indicate or suggest a causal relationship."[http://www.aaaai.org/members/resources/calcineurin_task_force.pdf.
However, she suggested that some mathematical entities are in fact concrete, unlike, notably, Gödel, who assumed all mathematical objects are abstract. She suggested that sets can be causally efficacious, and in fact share all the causal and spatiotemporal properties of their elements.
The results suggested that reasoning abnormalities may have a causal role in the formation of paranormal belief.
This means to adopt an objective, systematic approach to understanding the causal relationships between various phenomena.
These are sometimes labeled “thin skull” or “egg-shell psyche” cases, and are the most intriguing and difficult to manage because of the potential “gray zones” in their causal interpretation (Young, 2008c).
Extraneous stresses, such as job loss due to worksite bankruptcy, might also complicate causal determination.
Having a theoretical orientation that sees the world in terms of power and control, one could create a theory about violent human behavior which includes specific causal statements (e.g. being the victim of physical abuse leads to psychological problems).
The third discusses a "complex" Platonic realism, in which several realms of Platonic ideal forms (called the "Hylaean Theoric Worlds" in the novel) exist independently of the physical world (called the "Arbran Causal Domain" in the novel).
In order for the inverse filter to compensate for a causal solution Wang modified the original Kolsky model by using wr as the highest frequency in the frequency band and call it wh.
The causal effect of this curriculum, then, was looking for solutions to the common problems everyone in the world could understand, since they were so basic.
In this a child creates a story about events that have happened or imaginary events in temporal-causal sequences that can be as short as five words or as long as 150.
Unlike epiphenomenalism, which renders mental properties causally redundant, anomalous monists believe that mental properties make a causal difference to the world.
Epiphenomenalism is a doctrine about mental-physical causal relations, which holds that one or more mental states and their properties are the byproducts (or epiphenomena) of the states of a closed physical system, and are not causally reducible to physical states (do not have any influence on physical states).
According to this view mental properties are as such real constituents of the world, but they are causally impotent; while physical causes give rise to mental properties like sensations, volition, ideas, etc., such mental phenomena themselves cause nothing further - they are causal dead ends.
The Hellenic Air Accident Investigation and Aviation Safety Board (AAIASB) determined that the direct causal chain of events that led to the accident was
Previous pressurization problems.
The panel of judges hearing the case ruled that there was no "causal association between the defendants and the negligence they were charged with for the fatal accident".
Risk factors can also be interpreted as causal factors of the scenario that is materialising, or as vulnerabilities or weaknesses.
When used correctly, the signature causal sequence of a Virginia Durr Moment consists in: serious challenge-->self-reflection-->modification of value system-->moral development.
Each of these circles represent the domain of the secondary intelligences (symbolized by the celestial bodies themselves), which act as causal intermediaries between the First Cause (in this case, God) and the material world.
Further support for a causal role for growth hormone deficiency comes from observations that such deficiency in adults has been associated with many of the symptoms described by fibromyalgia patients.
The classical theory causal model for irregular intervals is based on the observation that a late bus tends to get later and later as it completes its run, while the bus following it tends to get earlier and earlier.
Children can also use these theories about the world's causal structure to make predictions, and possibly even test them out.
In certain situations, this illusion leads people to make confident but false explanations of their own behavior (called "causal theories") or inaccurate predictions of their future mental states.
The faulty guesses that people make to try and explain their thought processes have been called "causal theories".
The causal theories provided after an action will often serve only to justify the person's behaviour in order to relieve cognitive dissonance.
As Prof. Kaszniak points out: "although a priori theories are an important component of people's causal explanations, they are not the sole influence, as originally hypothesized by Nisbett Wilson.
Actors also have privileged information access that includes some degree of introspective access to pertinent causal stimuli and thought processes, as well as better access (than observers) to stimulus-response covariation data about their own behavior".
This could happen when an external event follows, and is congruent with, a thought in someone's mind, without an actual causal link.
These five would therefore be the causal factors in the experience of the Real.
Marvin Meyer writes: "The "five trees" in paradise are mentioned frequently in gnostic texts, ordinarily without explanation or elaboration.