Vocabulary Word
Word: carrion
Definition: rotting flesh of a dead body; CF. vulture
Definition: rotting flesh of a dead body; CF. vulture
Sentences Containing 'carrion'
We are cheered when we observe the vulture feeding on the carrion which disgusts and disheartens us, and deriving health and strength from the repast.
Any carrion, the carcase of a dead dog or cat, for example, though half putrid and stinking, is as welcome to them as the most wholesome food to the people of other countries.
The _Houyhnhnms_ keep the _Yahoos_ for present use in huts not far from the house; but the rest are sent abroad to certain fields, where they dig up roots, eat several kinds of herbs, and search about for carrion, or sometimes catch weasels and _luhimuhs_ (a sort of wild rat), which they greedily devour.
But even granting the charge in question to be true; what disordered slippery decks of a whale-ship are comparable to the unspeakable carrion of those battle-fields from which so many soldiers return to drink in all ladies' plaudits?
"'But as for you, ye carrion rogues,' turning to the three men in the rigging--'for you, I mean to mince ye up for the try-pots;' and, seizing a rope, he applied it with all his might to the backs of the two traitors, till they yelled no more, but lifelessly hung their heads sideways, as the two crucified thieves are drawn.
Carrion (from the Latin ""caro"", meaning "meat") refers to the dead and decaying flesh of an animal.
Carrion is an important food source for large carnivores and omnivores in most ecosystems.
Examples of carrion-eaters (or scavengers) include vultures, hawks, eagles, hyenas, Virginia Opossum, Tasmanian Devils, coyotes, Komodo dragons, and burying beetles.
Many invertebrates such as the burying beetles, as well as maggots of calliphorid flies and Flesh-flies also eat carrion, playing an important role in recycling nitrogen and carbon in animal remains.
Carrion begins to decay the moment of the animal's death, and it will increasingly attract insects and breed bacteria.
Some plants and fungi smell like decomposing carrion and attract insects that aid in reproduction.
Plants that exhibit this behavior are known as carrion flowers.
The word carrion is often used in Danish mythology to describe animals that have been sacrificed and animals that have been killed due to the gods' fury.
Sometimes carrion is used to describe an infected carcass that is diseased and should not be touched.
An example of carrion being used to describe dead and rotting bodies in literature may be found in William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar":
Another example can be found in Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" when the title character kills an unknown bird for food but finds "its flesh was carrion, and fit for nothing".
Its diet is rounded off with an occasional bird – including carnivorous species like the Burrowing Owl ("Athene cunicularia") and sizeable prey such as "Penelope" guans or the Chilean Tinamou ("Nothoprocta perdicaria") –, large squamates, and if need be also arthropods and carrion.
It may compete for carrion with the much larger Andean Condor.
The modern German term Geier is generally recognized as referring to two distinct families of carrion-eating bird whose range includes the whole of Europe and the western part of Asia.
The Egyptian vulture ("Neophron percnopterus") and the Lammergeier ("Gypaetus barbatus") are true carrion-eating vultures.
Others associate the surname with the carrion-eating, bone-crushing variety of vulture., In modern times, it is not unusual for the vulture in family coats of arms or logos to be rendered as a comical caricature of a slumping and sad-sack buzzard rather than a lammergeier or gyrfalcon with "the bearing of an eagle."
The company justifies their development of the product by asserting that, while there are no laws in Islam prohibiting animals from eating haram foods, Muslims are forbidden to handle or feed haram foods, such as pork and carrion, to animals.
A highly opportunistic bird commonly seen walking on the ground, it will feed on both carrion and virtually any small animal it can catch.
This of course depends on air temperature and the ability of larvae to feed on carrion, until consuming enough calories to progress through the instar stages and pupate.
It was during the 1980s, after Rafael Carrion, Sr.'s death, that Richard L. Carrión took over as President of the corporation.
In the case of Sonnet 147 unhealthy "Feeding" and the healing of love "as a fever" brought on by fatal "Desire" which "Phisick did except", is seen in Psalm 147's "feeding the young ravens" (carrion feeding ravens, symbolic of Death) and in "medicine" for the "broken in heart" (see Psalm 147 verses 3 and 9).
Another view is that, up until the Upper Paleolithic, humans were frugivores (fruit eaters), who supplemented their meals with carrion, eggs, and small prey such as baby birds and mussels, and, only on rare occasions, managed to kill and consume big game such as antelopes.
It eats insects, small vertebrates and carrion.
She concludes that, reveling in the misdeeds of their pagan predecessors, the saga authors took skaldic poetry originally intended to make elliptical reference to defeat in battle (causing one's back to be scored by eagles, i.e. killing them and thus turning them into carrion) along with separate martyrdom tracts expressing the final tortures of worthy victims in terms reflective of the intended execution of Saint Sebastian (shot so full of arrows that their ribs and internal organs were exposed) and combined and elaborated them into a grandiose torture and death ritual that never was.
The pit itself would have been covered by branches and baited with carrion such as a dead cow.
After his death the inhabitants of Carrion fell upon the Jews; many were slain, others were imprisoned, and their houses were pillaged.
Judah ben Joseph stood in such favor with the king that the latter, at his request, not only admitted into Toledo the Jews who had fled from the persecutions of the Almohades, but even assigned many fugitives dwellings in Flascala (near Toledo), Fromista, Carrion, Palencia, and other places, where new congregations were soon established.
The Mediterranean Gull's feeding habits are much an opportunistic omnivore, eating fish, worms, scraps, insects, offal and carrion.
They feed primarily on leaves, buds, fruits, roots, although they also eat insects, small animals, and carrion.
While across the expanse of Sinai, like jackals drawn to carrion, the forces of the King of Persia watch . . .
Different types of insects are found on carrion depending on the location.
Entomologists give a detailed examination of clothing if found on the carrion.