Vocabulary Word
Word: bellicose
Definition: warlike
Definition: warlike
Sentences Containing 'bellicose'
Even though Nobunaga is often regarded as a callous and bellicose figure, it is said that Nobunaga mourned her throughout the night and had her buried within view of his castle.
However, Jonathan Pearson argues in "Sir Anthony Eden and the Suez Crisis: Reluctant Gamble" (2002) that Eden was more reluctant and less bellicose than most historians have judged.
The United Nations denounced the invasion; the Soviets were bellicose; only New Zealand, Australia, West Germany and South Africa spoke out for Britain's position.
Critics consider neoconservatism a bellicose and "heroic" ideology opposed to "mercantile" and "bourgeois" virtues and therefore "a variant of anti-economic thought."
During Hu's time as editor of the Global Times, he has become known as a bellicose hard-liner.
Some leaflets were bellicose, warning of the consequences of a Western attack: "The manoeuvre "Oktobersturm" Warsaw Pact military exercise in 1965 is a serious warning addressed to the Bonn militarists that an attack on the GDR will conjure up their own demise."