Vocabulary Word
Word: aberration
Definition: deviation from the normal; mental disorder
Definition: deviation from the normal; mental disorder
Sentences Containing 'aberration'
Which thou shalt do; if thou shalt go about every action as thy last action, free from all vanity, all passionate and wilful aberration from reason, and from all hypocrisy, and self-love, and dislike of those things, which by the fates or appointment of God have happened unto thee.
The correction for the aberration of light is said by Muller not to be perfect even in that most perfect organ, the human eye.
It has gradually augmented, until it assumes the appearance of aberration of intellect.
Theoretically, a focused aberration-free image is obtained under a "specific condition" when the two dispersive elements and the phase shift satisfy the temporal equivalent of the classic lens equation.
The resulting creatures sport all manner and class of bodily aberration: multiple heads, extra limbs, and even partial animal anatomies.
In the book, Conquest disputed the assertion made by Nikita Khrushchev, and supported by many Western leftists, that Stalin and his purges were an aberration from the ideals of the Revolution and were contrary to the principles of Leninism.
This field-flattening solution is not perfect, as images suffer from chromatic aberration with different colors ending up at slightly different places.
Stress from mounting can introduce aberration in the light reflected from a mirror, or photoelasticity inside a lens.
This is mentioned by the Oracle, as stated earlier, that Smith is the opposite of Neo, who was himself an aberration of the ultimate formula of the Matrix.
Reeves strongly criticised Snowdon, stating that his victory was an "aberration" and urging the party not to shift to the left. Snowdon's supporters moved to gain control of the NT branch at the 1987 party conference, ousting both Reeves as party president and his ally Collins as delegate to the party's National Executive.
The predominant optical aberration of the eye in keratoconus is the so-called coma.
When the editor of the "Architectural Review", J. M. Richards, wrote in "The Castles on the Ground" (1946) that "for all the alleged deficiencies of suburban taste ...it holds for ninety out of a hundred Englishmen an appeal which cannot be explained away as some strange instance of mass aberration", he was, in his own words, "scorned by my contemporaries as either an irrelevant eccentricity or a betrayal of the forward looking views of the Modern Movement".